Digestive surgery CHD
Legal notice
“The National Council of the Order of Physicians invites Internet users to exercise critical thinking on all online publications. The trust that our fellow citizens place in information from the medical profession must therefore be supported with particular attention.
This is why the CNOM asked all doctors who publish their own professional site to display the following points:
The Internet user must be able to ensure that the site publishing health information is that of a doctor, if it presents itself as such. The doctor's professional site must display, on the home page, a link to the "CNOM website directory" section and a link to the White Paper relating to Medical Ethics on the web.
The doctor's professional site must provide practical information on the address, specialty, recognized qualifications, mode of practice, health establishments in which he works, access, situation with regard to health care organizations. social protection.
When health information is published on this site, the explanations must be of a purely informative nature on diseases, prevention, treatments and techniques practiced. The doctor must objectively present the advantages and possible disadvantages of the procedures, prescriptions and interventions. It must do so in a simple and educational manner, and indicate, where applicable, its sources and references. This public information can usefully complement that which has previously been given to a patient during a consultation. In this case, they cannot be intended to replace them. The dates of publication and/or update must be mentioned.
When the doctor is not able to ensure regular updates on his professional site himself, the CNOM recommends that the information be preferably delivered by the creation of links to information sites for the general public which have no commercial interest.
When the site publishes, as an illustration of comments, images or photographs, no identification of people should be possible. These documents must not have a presentation that would suggest that the expected result will be obtained, which would be a deception, whatever the medical or surgical field concerned.
The site must not advertise, either directly or indirectly, for the doctor (art. R.4127-19 of the Public Health Code) or for the organizations to which he provides assistance (art. R. 4127-20 of the Public Health Code). Public health code).
The doctor's professional site must strictly respect the confidentiality of the personal data collected.
The doctor must declare on this site his links of interest with any firm related to the field of health and care. If applicable, it specifies the financing of the site and that of its maintenance. »
Public directory of the National Council of the Order of Physicians
1. Autorité
Authority Any medical advice provided on the site will only be given by specialized personnel in the medical field (graduated in digestive surgery) and qualified professionals, unless an explicit declaration specifies that certain opinions come from non-medical individuals or organizations.
2. Complementarity
When intended for the patient, the information disseminated on the site is intended to encourage, and not to replace, the existing relationship between patient and doctor.
3. Confidentiality
Personal information about visitors is not collected (GDPR).
4. Attribution
The source of the data is explicitly cited.
5. Justification
Any assertion will be accompanied by supporting evidence.
6. Professionalism
The creator of the site strives to provide information as clearly as possible, and to provide a contact address for users who would like details or support. This address is clearly displayed on the pages of the site.
7. Funding transparency
The site is financed by the Association of Yonnais Hospital Digestive Surgeons, an association under the 1901 law.
8. Honesty in Advertising and Editorial Policy
The site does not accept or receive advertising funds.
This site is the property of ACDHY, an association under the 1901 Law, which is its author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. All images used on the site are either royalty free or the intellectual property of Dr Tristan Greilsamer, webmaster. The videos related to surgical interventions available on the site are entirely anonymous and follow an oral and written agreement from interested patients.
Reproduction, on paper or computer media, of the site tourismedigestive-chd.fr is authorized provided that it is strictly reserved for personal use, excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes, and that it complies with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the contents which compose it, without having obtained prior authorization from the ACDHY, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting.
The site was created using the Wix platform.
The authors have no conflict of interest with the pharmaceutical industry.