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Digestive surgery CHD
The consultation
The team welcomes you from Monday morning to Friday morning for consultations at the CHD Vendée sites in La Roche-Sur-Yon, Montaigu and Luçon.
- La Roche-Sur-Yon: Surgical consultation every day of the week
Stomatherapy consultation on the 6th floor of the CHD Vendée in La Roche-Sur-Yon by appointment
- Montaigu: Consultation on Monday mornings: Dr Abet and Dr Jean
- Luçon: Consultation on Wednesday afternoons: Dr Denimal
Please remember to bring to the consultation:
- All the elements of your medical file
- Your Vitale card
- Your mutual insurance card
- A means of payment if private consultation (sector 1 without excess fees thanks to the convention rates set by social security).

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